We're a month away from my due date, and it's surely coming up quickly! In general I still feel pretty good, although definitely more tired (especially after a day in the office I'm wiped) and for the first time ever I'm suffering from heart burn! I still walk Zora at least once a day (Nolan is walking her the other times) and in general that goes well too, although I can tell I'm slowing down a little bit and there is also definitely more pressure on my bladder ;)
My parents were here for a visit as well last week, which was nice. But I realized we didn't take any pictures (I think they did, but I don't have any), so there is no real evidence they were here! But they had a good time, were happy to see me pregnant and participate in some of the pre-baby activities.
One of those activities as the baby shower! Ann and JoAnn were so kind to host and organize the shower and I have to admit, I felt pretty overwhelmed! This child of us has some pretty amazing people awaiting its arrival!
Some awesome cupcakes! And tasty too.
My mom, Nancy and Marie Anick
JoAnn, Debby and my mom
Kate measuring my belly as part of one of the games
For some reason people wanted to take pictures of me and my belly :)
Ann and I
Suzanne, Erin, Ann Marie, JoAnn and Debby
Sooo spoiled!
Kate, Suzanne, Erin and Ann Marie
More gifts!
It was a great evening and it's amazing to have such great friends!
Then last week one evening I all of a sudden felt overwhelmed thinking about everything we still had to do. Both at home and at work. So we made a list of the things we had to do at home, and this past weekend we focussed on getting the last things for the baby and putting the nursery together.
We also went to the hospital to pre-register. Funny story, when we got there we told the lady at the reception we wanted to register. She asked what for, so we said delivery. And her eyes turned large asking if I was in labour right now? So apparently there is a difference between registering and pre-registering! We all got a good laugh out of it!
So I think we now have all the basics (and a whole lot more, especially clothes!), and I feel more relaxed about it now.
Some pictures of our nursery (and some of the stuff we have):
Before we started cleaning things up.
Some of the beautiful blankets Nancy made us.
Nolan posing with one of the outfits.
And just some shots of the nursery.
And here some shots of Nolan trying out his parenting skills with Zora:
She's so spoiled! However, she's normally not allowed on the couch :)
And then she created this new habit of sleeping underneath her mat when sleeping in her crate (still her favourite place to sleep):
Yep, there's a dog underneath there!
And then finally, a less than flattering picture of my belly, taken this morning: