Friday, April 26, 2013


So, since the big news has probably sunk in by now, we can now go back to a day-to-day basis :)
Thanks for all the nice messages though. So nice to read!
Everything is going well. We had an appointment with the midwife on Wednesday, and she was happy with how things are progressing. She also found the heartbeat, which is always reassuring (we'd seen it on the 8 week ultra sound, but that was almost 5 weeks ago), and weird and special at the same time.

In the meantime life just continues as usual. Work is good and busy, but fun. Spring is around the corner, finally, and I can't wait to spend more time outside of the office! The nice weather is also a great excuse to take Zora for long walks when I get home from work. My favourite walk is in the Greenbelt, where yesterday I stumbled across a coyote or wolf, just enjoying the sun fairly close to the trail:

It kept an eye on me, but didn't move. It was hidden a little bit, but still clearly visible. Definitely cool! And only 10 min walk from our house! Better keep an eye on Zora, she'd make a good dinner :)

Nolan is doing well. Getting excited about the nice weather as well, which should mean lots of running! My running is almost non-existent, but I walk a lot every day so at least I get enough exercise in. And it's great to have Zora. She forces us to get out, and we all love it! We're also looking forward to getting the backyard ready again for the summer. Add some colour and excitement to it. The crocuses are finally blooming and the tulips are coming up as well, so hopefully they'll bloom soon as well. This weekend we're going to cut down the willow tree beside our house (it's too close for our foundation), but we'll use its cuttings to green up the outside of the fence and create some privacy. Hopefully they'll take off!

The cats are doing well too. They're totally used to Zora now. Murphy and Zora play together, while Fertile just wants Zora to leave her alone (and Zora respects that), and she just goes her way. It works!

So all in all life is good. And actually quite normal. The fact that we're getting a little addition to the family still feels a bit surreal, but I'm sure it will feel real soon enough!

Friday, April 12, 2013


Finally some real news... Nolan and I thought that a puppy and two cats is not enough for our little household. So, we'll be getting an additional MacAfee somewhere in the fall of 2013! (in case you're wondering, yes, I'm pregnant!)

So far things are going really well, and we're both excited about this new adventure. I think we definitely have a lot to learn, but I'm sure we can do this. And as a good start: Zora graduated from her Level 1 Obedience class last night, and hopefully that taught us some parenting skills as well.

We will keep you posted on all the developments, but will leave some time to let this sink in first.

After all, never say never!