Sunday, March 30, 2014

Carice is six months old!

While I write this, I look outside and all I can see is snow, snow and more snow coming down. Honestly, I really don't mind the snow, but when we've had snow on the ground since mid-November,  and have not really had any days with above-zero temperatures, I can say I'm ready for some spring-like weather! 'They' had promised us some, but I've yet to see it.
I think I'm also having a mild form of cabin fever, but I'm sure that is only temporarily.

Yesterday Carice was six months old! Which also means that my mat leave is halfway done. But she is doing really well. Still sleeps and eats like a champ, which is resulting in a happy and healthy baby. We also started looking at daycares this week, even though it's still 6 months away. But it looks like we should be able to find something close to our house.
What is also remarkable is the bond between Carice and Zora. They just love each other! Really fun to watch.

Just giggling away.

Now we know why! 

Ready for another walk in the snow


Happy camper!

Sitting up on my own!

My new toy, a Jolly Jumper!

Want to play together?

Sweet Potato

I like you!

A lot!

Ready for summer!!

What is this thing?

Just photos of Carice, none of us. Lets try to change that for next time :)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Carice 5 months

Carice is now 5 months, and it's crazy how quickly time flies by! But it's been fun.

The last week of January, just before Nolan went back to work, we decided to go away for a few days. Since we didn't have Carice's passport on time, we had to stay in Canada and decided on Deerhurst, just west of Algonquin Park. A good choice. Nice and quiet, and snowy! We went snowshoeing, walking and most of all, we relaxed!

Carice all bundled up.

The view from the top.

The 'hill' we conquered!

A snowy walk!

Otherwise things are still going well. I take Carice wherever I go, and she's just an easy kid! I had her up at the PRF for a meeting, and she was on her best behaviour (and all the guys loved her!!).  She is still sleeping well at night, so no complains there (I have a harder time sleeping than she does...). Naps can be another story, but I'll take a full night sleep any day!

Nolan is enjoying his new job, and I think the routine that comes with it :) I'm starting to get back into the running spirit, but with Carice not sleeping too well during the day, it can be challenging. The fact that it's still bloody cold and snowy doesn't help either. But at least lots of sunshine!

Best friends already!

Yesterday we spent the day in the woods with some coworkers. It was great, with campfire and hotdogs, and Nolan even learned how to drive a snow mobile!

And the animals are happy too. Although Zora is done with winter!