Friday, December 24, 2010

Photos of...

To start the holidays with a bang (and because I had to clean up my computer...), here are some photos of the recent past.

This is the result of one month worth of facial hair. All for a good cause, but I have to admit I like him better without it!

Remember when Gijsbert (aka Max) and Anouk visited? Well, somebody got a hold of the camera and started taking some artistic photos...

 And below are photos of us snowshoeing this afternoon. It was a wonderful afternoon, and it was great to be out there, especially knowing that the rest of the world was still frantically trying to get those last groceries and get ready in general for Christmas. Christmas should be about peace and we definitely felt like that in the woods today!

1 comment:

  1. Dat snowshoeing lijkt me wel geinig. Ik ken het helemaal niet.
    Misschien wel een optie om hier te doen... het "lijkt" simpel.....
    Fijne feestdagen.
