Once one site, we had to use our elbows to get passed the first stage where Rise Against was playing. Not really my type of music, but a lot of other people thought differently about that... We managed to get to the Hard Rock Café stage, where we saw the final part of Midwest playing, which was enjoyable. After a short wait, during which we found Pete and Debby, but also noticed that Craig and Connie where sitting right behind, Hey Rosetta came on stage. The band we came to see!! The first song was good, the second one too, even though the rain slowly started to fall. During the third song, the weather gods decided to have no mercy, and showed us what they had in store for us. The rain came falling down in drops I have never seen so big. The wind picked up which made the rain fly sideways, and it even looked like we saw a funnel cloud in the distance! Hey Rosetta kept playing very bravely, even when their crew started covering up their equipment with tarps... When the song was over, the announcement came that the show would be put on hold 'temporarily'. That was it, no other news. In the mean time, Pete and Debby had moved on to the main stage to check out Black Keys, the big show for the night. They texted us that they never even started, and being wet and cold decided to return to Debby's place. The atmosphere was a little interesting to say the least, since not only the bands had stopped playing, the beer tents were no longer serving beer.
After having waited for an hour, we decided to return to Debby's place as well, where we had our car, and go home. Disappointed since we dropped a good buck for the tickets, but mainly because we missed a what was going to be a great show!
The following day we heard that Hey Rosetta played for a bit, but quit after their sound system broke down. Black Keys came back up at 10:40, and played for almost 40 minutes, but I am not sure if an hour and a half wait would have made me want to watch that. Maybe next time?
The next morning we had breakfast with them as well, to celebrate Debby's birthday, after which we headed to Montreal to pick up the folks. They had a good flight without any issues and had no problems coming through customs, so that was great. Now we are trying to get used to each other's company :) but also just relax and enjoy having them here.
Also a quick garden update: my mom bought us a beautiful Hortensia which we put in our front garden. Our hostas are also about to bloom, and our tomatoes are looking very promising!
In my travels around the yard, I found two little treasures...
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