My mom always dresses like this:
And my dad looks like this. Note the barcode at the front of his hat.
Without joking, the above photos were taken during their annual mutual birthday party, that attracts a lot of friends (around 40 this year, I believe). It was fun to actually participate this year.
We managed to show during the one week of cold weather the Dutch had this year. Well, at least we didn't have to acclimatize, and it made for some great photos. This is the oh so famous castle of Amerongen (above).
And cold weather is synonym to skating. People go nuts when it comes to skating, and I can't recall the number of times people asked us if we'd brought our skates. Uhm, no, we left those at home. We have a canal we can skate on as well. For a whole 28 days this year...
Here is Willem looking up to Sien, who is above him. Hiding.
Sien is evil, as you can see.
On our last day in Amerongen, we went for a nice long walk in the forest around Amerongen, and visited the Lonely Oak. We almost got lost as well. I guess I don't know the area as well as I used to.
Next up, more photos from our lives, including our cats, and our new snow blower! Yes, what a time to get a snowblower delivered. We were almost thinking winter was over, but were proven very wrong when we were treated to another snowstorm on Friday. Except for the fact that I had to miss the UofT field tour at the PRF on Saturday due to poor road conditions, we don't really mind this weather! We even managed to get a 17.5km run in this morning, despite cold wind and snowy sidewalks. The sun made up for it; we both came home with our faces covered by freckles. Time to get the sunscreen out!
Grappig om NL in winterse sferen te zien!