Saturday, May 21, 2011

Colourful garden and nice couch!

We finally had a beautiful Saturday and we took full advantage of it! We got up early and hit the garden centre before it would get too busy (trip #1). We bought mainly annuals, since we would like to do some more serious work in the garden next year, with perhaps the help of a landscaper. All the colours make such a difference! The first two pictures shows the front, and you can see that there are a lot of grape hyacinths in there, which will hopefully come back next year. 

Below used to look like a massive litter box. Perhaps an old san box from the previous owners? We're not sure how this will work, since it was pure sand. But hopefully with the help of some top soil, it might actually turn into something (this was trip #2 after we decided that we need much more top soil to fill this box)!

Right behind the house you can still see the magnificent tulips. They've been at it for almost two weeks now, but still going strong! They are absolutely beautiful. We planted annuals around them, so if they tulips go, there will be lots of colour around it. On the far left, we planted two basil plants, and parsley, and in between four tomato plants. Yum!

The planters are hard to see, but we put several different plants in there as well. Hopefully they will all grow well and fill in nicely. I guess time will tell! But needless to say we feel very satisfied and proud. It turned out really nice and we love our house even more. As Nolan said, it looks like a show home now!

On Friday night we finally got our couch that we had ordered back in January... It took a while to come, but it was worth the wait. It's beautiful! And yes, you see it right, it's white... We had to have a shower after all our hard and dirty work in the garden before we could even get close to it! It fits in really nicely with the curved stair case, and it also makes the TV room more like a separate room. It's big, which we might have to get used to, but it's comfy, big and totally ours! 


  1. Wat zijn jullie actief zeg maar met een mooi resultaat!
    Dat kussen met die moose is gaaf!
    Enne wanneer ben je weer in de buurt??

  2. Hi Claudia!
    Dat kussen komt oorspronkelijk nog uit Zweden, maar past hier wel goed bij. Maar bedankt :)
    We hopen tegen het einde van de zomer weer eens jullie kant op te komen, en dan ga ik zeker proberen langs te wippen. Mochten jullie in de tussentijd hier in de buurt zijn, dan zijn jullie ook altijd welkom!!
