Thursday, January 13, 2011


This past week I read a Dutch article, in which they talked about how Canada has changed its immigration laws, and that it has become virtually impossible to emigrate to Canada. I’m not sure if it is really that bad, but I realize darn well that I have been incredibly lucky that I was able to move to Canada when I did. And it didn’t stop there, looking back at how far I’ve come in the past 5 and some what years, it just was a big of a realization how happy I am that I made the decision to move to Canada, but also how lucky I was that I could do it.

In general life is just really good right now. Except perhaps that Nolan came down with a cold, but he is starting to feel better again. Or at least a little bit.
Work is picking up again, which I actually like. Last week was a little too quiet. My computer at work died this week, which was not fun. But now I have a brand-new little laptop, which is about half the size of the beast I used to have, so that is a bonus!
Winter has also returned, and we have snow again! Not a whole lot, but enough to cover the trails but still make them ‘runable’. Running is actually going quite well. I’ve picked it up a bit, and decided to run a half marathon at the end of February in Peterborough, together with Candice. I’ve run this half marathon before. Twice. But only finished it once, so I also see this as an opportunity to finally redeem myself! It also gives me a goal again to train for, especially since we decided not to run the half marathon in Ottawa this year. 


  1. The article was a bit over dramatic, because it was about a couple that were caught with a non-valid job offer. It sure has become harder to get in and too bad we were a few weeks late with our application. It forces us to look for other ways to get into Canada, but you know "waar een wil is, daar is een weg" ;-)

  2. I agree, they might have exaggerated or dramatized a bit, but as you said as well, if I were to apply now, I would not qualify. Hopefully you can find another way into this country. It's so worth it, as long as you're prepared to adapt and realize that Canada is not always like heaven!
